Pet Flea and Tick Control Buying Guide
Your guide for buying the best flea and tick prevention and treatment for your pets.

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- Pet Flea and Tick Control Buying Guide
Purchasing Flea and Tick Control
There's no denying that fleas and ticks can cause problems for your pets and possibly, a threat to your family. Not only are they itchy but a bite from these blood-sucking parasites can pass infections and severe illness to pets or even to your household. Another factor you need to consider is the climate. Warmer and humid environment means tick and flea populations will blow up faster. Protect your pets from fleas and ticks the whole year round!
Shop for flea and tick control
Flea and Tick Treatment

Types of Flea and Tick Control
You can choose to administer either in the form of oral, topical, or collar for your pet's treatment depending on your pet's preference.
Oral flea and tick
Oral flea and tick treatment kill after the medicine is transmitted to a parasite while feeding. Oral medications can be in the form of tablets, pills, or chewable. -
Topical or spot-on flea and tick treatment
Topical flea and tick treatment like spot-on are applied to areas where animals can't reach them like their shoulder blades. These medications not only kill parasites but repels them as well. -
Flea and tick collars
Flea and tick collars usually last longer than spot-on and chew. Collars are even formulated to treat and prevent flea and tick infestation.

How often should you buy flea and tick meds
- Most flea and tick meds last for 30 days. Simparica , on the other hand, is a chewable tablet that can last and stay active up to 35 days.
- Bravecto chewable kills and controls fleas of all life cycles and ticks for 12 weeks to 3 months straight.
- Flea and tick collars usually last longer. Some even last for 8 months. Seresto kills and repels fleas and ticks and even mosquitoes and lice for your cats and dogs.
Flea and Tick Prevention

Types of Flea and Tick Prevention
If you live in flea and tick-infested neighborhood, you should take extra measure in preventing fleas and ticks from infesting your home and your pet.
Spray and rinse concentrate
Spray and rinse concentrate like Dermcare Permoxin can be used weekly. It can both repel and kill fleas and ticks in infested dogs and helps with insect bite allergies too. -
Flea and Tick Collar
For outdoor-loving pets, flea and tick collars can be used in conjunction with their flea and tick control medicine. Consider wearing this on pets, especially when going on trips in a highly infested area. -
Flea and Tick Shampoo
Some shampoos also help with controlling fleas and ticks in dogs. This can also be a regular grooming shampoo if your pet is already on a long term flea and tick control.
Ticks in your area
Ticks for the past years have been mostly found in the southern part of the country. But due to warming temperatures, ticks can migrate and expand to regions with potential tick-borne diseases they carry. Know which ticks are prevalent in your area to know which tick control is best for your pet. Below are the most common ticks you may find in your area.

American dog tick
or wood tick resides in the east of the Rocky Mountains and has spread on limited areas of the pacific coast. These ticks can transmit Tularemia, and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Blacklegged tick
or deer tick is mostly found in the eastern US and hosts Lyme disease-causing bacteria, the spirochete.

Brown dog tick
is the most common tick found worldwide attacking mostly dogs. These ticks also transmit Rocky Mountain spotted fever.

Lone star tick
living in the Southeastern and Eastern United States is a quick and aggressive tick. This tick transmits diseases like Ehrlichiosis and Tularemia or Hunter's Disease. Learn more about lone star ticks here.
Learn more about which ticks could be pervasive in your area in CDC's article.
Learn more about ticksLyme Disease

Ticks are active all-year-round, and a bite can give your pet diseases like Lyme disease. Some essential things to know about Lyme disease:
- Lyme disease is a disease transmitted by ticks (deer ticks) that causes recurring lameness or even kidney problems caused by a bacteria called Borrelia Burgdorferi (spirochete).
- Deer ticks or black-legged ticks are carriers usually found in shady areas of the woods and quests for hosts on the tips of knee-high branches or shrubs.
- Symptoms of Lyme disease are swollen superficial lymph nodes near tick bite, stiff walk and arched back, sensitivity to touch, difficulty in breathing, fever, lack of appetite, and depression.
- This is one of the most common tick-transmitted diseases in cats, dogs, and other mammals.
Pet Shed says no to Lyme Disease! Know more about Lyme Disease and prevention by reading our blog.
Learn More about Lyme DiseaseFlea and Tick for Cats and Dogs
Flea and Tick for Cats
Not all flea and tick control pets are suitable for cats. Below are recommended flea and tick meds that are safe for your cats:
Flea and Tick for Dogs
Some flea and tick meds are specially formulated for dogs. Below are some of the recommended flea and tick medications for dogs:
Combination Medicine
One medicine does it all
Why choose multiple parasite preventives when you can have just one? With combination meds, one medication does it all! Give your pets the protection they need against fleas, ticks, worms, and heartworms with combination meds!
Why choose combination meds
Combination meds are all about convenience. It's easy to administer and remember dates as you will only need to remember one day for all your pet's parasite protection. Be sure that your pet is tested as heartworm negative before trying out a heartworm control.
Recommended Combination Medicines
Start using combination meds now:
Generic Flea and Tick Prevention
What are generics
Generics works the same way as brand-name counterpart as they have the same active ingredients. Therefore, they have the same benefits and risks as branded meds.
It's nice to have an option
With generics, you can have the choice to go for a cheaper med with the same quality and standards as their branded counterpart. It's essential to have an option as your pet's health should not be sacrificed because of money.
Why choose generics
Our customers have been buying generics from us for years, and they love it! Save more with generics and cut off the cost you buy from branded meds by as much as two thirds plus you get to enjoy the same benefits you get from them! Generics are Know more about generics in our blog "Why choose generic pet meds?".
Recommended Generic Flea and Tick Control
Make the switch to generics now!
Flea and Tick Control Chart
Check out this chart to see which pet's meds are suitable for your pet's flea and tick control.
Fleas |
Ticks |
Heartworm |
Intestinal Worms |
Product |
Usage | Adult Fleas |
Flea Eggs |
Flea Larvae |
Deer Tick |
American Tick |
Lone Star Tick |
Brown Tick |
Heartworm |
Round-worms |
Hook-worms |
Whip-worms |
Tape-worms |
Advantix II | Spot On | ||||||||||||
Frontline Plus | Spot On | ||||||||||||
Revolution | Spot On | Cats |
Cats |
Revolution + Canex | Spot On | Dogs |
Dogs |
Stronghold | Spot On | Cats |
Cats |
Advantage Multi | Spot On | ||||||||||||
K9 Advantix | Spot On | ||||||||||||
Advantage II | Spot On | ||||||||||||
Advantage | Spot On | ||||||||||||
Bravecto | Chew | ||||||||||||
Nexgard Spectra | Chew | ||||||||||||
Nexgard | Chew | ||||||||||||
Simparica | Chew | ||||||||||||
Seresto | Collar | ||||||||||||
Kitlix | Collar | ||||||||||||
Generic Frontline Plus | Spot On | ||||||||||||
Generic Advantix II | Spot On | ||||||||||||
Generic Advantage II | Spot On | ||||||||||||
Generic Sentinel | Tablet | ||||||||||||
Generic Revolution for Cats | Spot On |
Check out our ultimate comparison chart for all your pet's parasite control (flea, tick, worm, and heartworm).
Check comparison chartFlea and Tick Testimonials at Pet Shed
Can't decide which treatment is best for your pet? Here are some of the most recommended and reviewed flea and tick medications here at Pet Shed.
Bravecto Chewable for Dogs
Never going back!
Aug 07, 2019
Living in FL where fleas can easily get out of control, this was my last resort. My female was so bad, she had hair missing all over her back. Within an hour of giving them the Bravecto, the itching had stopped. This is the ONLY product I've found that actually works. We have property in another state that is infested with ticks. 1st time we took the dogs, they had over a dozen ticks when we came home - each! Took them again after treating with Bravecto, and out of 3 dogs, we found 1 tick. I will never go back to using any other product.
Feb 07, 2019
MY dog chewed himself raw & bloody for 11 years. Flea meds, steroids, different shampoos, antihistamines, many vet visits & nothing worked. He has never 'had fleas' but apparently, was allergic to the one flea in my yard. Romeo has lived comfortably for 2 years now that I have him on Nexguard. A great product!!
Advantage Multi (Advocate)
Mar 13, 2018
i use stronghold, revolution or advocate depending on which i can get the best deal on. I have 4 cats and 4 dogs...these are the best products i have ever used... no issues for the animals and oh so easy to administer!
Frontline Plus
Great, reliable product - consistently priced less thru Pet Shed
Jun 27, 2016
We have been ordering Frontline for our pets for several years and have been consistently pleased. Both our cat and dog have never had fleas or ticks while on the product. For a brief time in the Atlanta winter we went off the product and my dog did get fleas. As soon as we started again the fleas were eradicated - fortunately before becoming an issue in our home. I have priced this product at several websites and my vets. We consistently get the best price thru Pet Shed and it arrives as promised. Due to the distance the medication travel, shipping takes a bit longer but that is know when you purchase it.
Advantage Flea Control
Mar 09, 2016
Favorite product from Pet Shed. Advantage Flea Control is effective on my dogs. Fleas are lessen once I applied this solution. It works fast. Couldn't ask for more. Thank you Pet Shed.
Generic Advantage II
This is a miracle!
Nov 20, 2018
This med is a miracle! Never imagined a this med even though cheap can get rid of the fleas on my pets. I can no longer see any fleas on my pets! ZERO! I have three dogs and am on fixed income so I'm on a tight budget. Sadly fleas just wont go away a friend of mine told me to try advantage II but it just too expensive for me until I found this med and Pet Shed. Will be buying again!
NexGard Spectra
bug treat
Jun 23, 2018
I have been using this on my dogs for awhile now an I really like the results ,some things make dogs kind of sick an so far I haven't seen this ,also they don't always eat what I give them but this they chew it up I don't have to make them swallow it!
K9 Advantix
I haven't seen a flea on my dogs since I started using this
Jun 02, 2017
I'm so glad I found this website. If it wasn't for competitive prices and the fact that you don't have to pay a vet bill to buy flea control meds makes it affordable to anyone. We do a lot of camping and hiking therefore my dogs need to get their meds every month. I am very satisfied with this product and I will keep buying. Thanks Petshed for helping me keep my dogs healthy!
Feb 07, 2019
MY dog chewed himself raw & bloody for 11 years. Flea meds, steroids, different shampoos, antihistamines, many vet visits & nothing worked. He has never 'had fleas' but apparently, was allergic to the one flea in my yard. Romeo has lived comfortably for 2 years now that I have him on Nexguard. A great product!!
Generic Heartgard Plus
Heart Shade Plus
Feb 22, 2019
So far so good.. they seem to be very ok with this brand.. I know I'm very Happy, because they are healthy.. thanks, so much.. Great price...
Do cats and dogs need flea and tick prevention?
Giving your cats and dogs an effective flea and tick control is essential in making sure your pet gets the maximum health care they need. Fleas and ticks are very irritating to pets making them scratch and rub themselves against solid objects leading them to have skin damage and skin irritation. Furthermore, fleas and ticks are a vector that transmits various kinds of diseases that are harmful to pets.
What is the safest flea and tick prevention for pets?
Flea and tick medicines, just like human medications, can have minor side effects. An FDA-approved treatment undergoes careful evaluations before going out of the market, but it's still important to keep an eye on medicines containing isoxazoline class ingredients. Though generally safe for the majority of cats and dogs, they have been associated with side effects of neurologic reactions to pets like seizures, muscle tremors, or loss of muscle control. Check for ingredients of your meds and consult with your vet if this medication is suitable for your pet.
What is the best oral flea and tick control for dogs?
Flea and tick prevention may differ for each pet depending on their location and the needs of each dog. You should also try medications labeled as broad-spectrum meaning they are effective against multiple species of flea and tick in pets. One broad-spectrum chewable treatment we have is Bravecto for dogs. Check out our pet medication comparison chart to see which medication is best for your pet.
Which flea and tick prevention is best?
Your location and the needs of your pet is one factor in choosing the best flea and tick prevention for your pet. Consider using broad-spectrum preventives for your pets. Meaning they are effective against multiple species of flea and tick in pets. Some of these broad-spectrum medications we have are Frontline Plus, Advantix II for dogs, and Bravecto. Check out our pet medication comparison chart to see which treatment is best for your pet.
What month do you give flea and tick control?
Your pets should be on their flea and tick preventives the whole year-round. Though fleas and ticks are most active in warmer seasons, this doesn't mean that these parasites are no more around during winter. These pests can be hiding in more temperate areas such as your house or warming up on a host they feed on to survive the winter season. Think as well that winter is probably the best time to eliminate these pests as they are fewer in number, therefore, giving you a higher chance to eradicate these pests.
Pet Care Essentials

Flea and Tick Control
Fleas and ticks are common pet parasites known to be disease carriers. They are not just irritating but also harmful to your pets. Keep your pets safe and comfortable with flea and tick medications.
Shop for Flea and Tick Control
Heartworm Control
Heartworms are dangerous roundworms transmitted by mosquitoes as a larva that matures into your pet's major organs, posing a significant threat to their health. Prevent your pet from the dangers of heartworms with heartworm control.
Shop for Heartworm Control
Worms are parasites that commonly affect cats and dogs. There are lots of ways your pets can get infected if untreated. Regular dosing of worm control can help prevent the spread of parasites for your pets, family, or environment.
Shop for Wormers