Are Your Pets Annoying the Neighbours?
Recent reports in the Sydney Morning Herald indicate an increase in animal cruelty by neighbours.
Cat fights and incessant barking are keeping the neighbours awake. Living at close quarters with a whiney mutt or scratchy cat are tipping others over the edge which has led to an incredibly sad urban phenomenon of animal poisoning and even bashing or killing. Even without such a dramatic result, the finding of rude notes in the letter box, angry answering machine messages or phone calls at work places a great deal of stress on the pet owners and neighbours.

Whether it's separation anxiety, after-hours noises or digging under fences, can cat or dog training help relieve the situation for all involved?
A well-trained dog will not result in visits from the police or animal welfare. Cats can be trained to stop behaving inappropriately by loving owners who won't take it. Cats and dogs can change their behaviours, and owners can use several means of achieving this goal.
Experts unanimously agree: do not engage dog training based on fear. Violence may disrupt the unacceptable behaviour, but your animal obeys out of fear and this is not the healthiest idea in the long run. So what is the best pet training strategy?
Understanding The Problem
Incessant barking in canines can be caused by boredom and anxiety. Also, dogs bark if they are lacking contact with people or other dogs. In other words, dogs are simply expressing their needs and should not be punished for this. Hitting animals for expressing their needs is like beating children for having needs. It is a reaction formed on extreme cowardice. Dog training is especially effective for animals who do have behaviour problems such as incessant barking and separation anxiety.
Playtime as Dog Training
There is no dog training ingredient quite like fun. No domestic animal turns down an opportunity to frolic with its owner. If pet behaviour is unacceptable, dog training teaches us to distract the animal and offer appropriate rewards. Many successful trainers offer dog treats and cat treats to obedient animals. It's a great way to harness dog training as a form of behaviour change. Plenty of daily exercise and activity such as a run and play means pets are too happy to annoy the neighbourhood. This does not resolve disruptive nocturnal animal misgivings, however owners who enact dog training principles can use play as a joyous way to control unacceptable animal behaviour.
Dog Toys and Cat Toys for Dog Training
Offer dogs unfettered access to dog training toys, and they will play. Even if you are not home, animals play by themselves for amusement. Owners can try different forms of dog games to see what their dogs love most. Then, hit the store for dog training supplies that excite your canine. While you're there, pick up a toy that drives the cat crazy, and she won't drive the neighbours crazy. Arm animals for fun, and animals disarm the neighbour's rage with play. Pet toys and cat and dog treats can also be used as cat and dog training aids. Rewards for good behaviour go a long way.
Dog Training Garners Respect
Canines form social hierarchies which place owners at the top and regular dog training reinforces owner respect, showing your dog who's boss. Many cat lovers mistakenly believe that felines will react the same way, but of course they don't. Cats bond with other cats out of necessity, and they learn to respect each other's territory.
However, respect is a fabulous foundation for effective and lasting dog training (if only we could enforce human training too!). Respect goes a long way. So does disrespect. Dog training makes that point in many healthy ways that can lead to universal slumber at the right time of night or a peaceful day. One firm word from Mum or Dad will be all it takes.
Dog Training Requires Repetition
Like people, animals need repetition to learn. If your animal is in dog training to change misbehaviour, remember that animals learn by experience. Experience forms the basis of behavioural change. Dog training provides that repetition. For cats, owners can experiment with routines. If you both understand that bed time is at 9:00pm, play with him at 8:00pm. Cats love routines, and they grow into them. This could help to show a behaviour that tells the cat, "Play time is before bed time." Keep in mind that animals just need time to reach that understanding. Once the dog learns alternate behaviours in dog training, behaviour changes with time and repetition, repetition, repetition.
Dog Training Requires Patience
An increased population of small-breed dogs amid a growing population make Aussie cities perfect for neighbourhood dog training, though this is trickier than it may at first sound. Our definition of dog training includes a serious commitment to patience by dog owners. Dog training is a terrific opportunity for owners to change their own behaviours, too. What about setting up a block-wide dog training weekend for pet owners and neighbours without pets? You could chat with your neighbours while professionals deliver dog training over a set number of weeks Contact your local Vet for advice. Accompany the dog training session with morning or afternoon tea, or a BBQ for yourselves and treats for your pets. You'll be amazed at the impact of a pet on a previously cold neighbour. Chat with your neighbours to set up healthy boundaries around dog behaviour as a community.
If it takes a community to raise a child, the same is certainly true of well-behaved neighbourhood animals. Dog training is the first obvious step. However, humans can use the power of neighbourhood to cultivate a well-behaved canine environment. This does not absolve dog owners of their responsibilities; it simply acknowledges that community is a wonderful way to change objectionable behaviour, which certainly beats animal cruelty.